Open the Home app on your apple device

Step 1 – Select automation in the bottom right bar of your device


Step 2 – Select Create new Automation


Step 3 – For this example we will be using the Location Trigger but you can automate based on Time, Accessories, and even Sensors.  Here we select “My Location Changes”


Step 4 – Select the address or location that you want to trigger an automation.  Adjust the geo-fence to as large or as small as you want.  Large will trigger earlier and small will trigger later. Don’t forget to select When I Arrive” or  “When I Leave” located in the middle of the screen to determine which action triggers the event. Then select next in the top right hand corner of your device.


Step 5 – Select the devices that you would like to control in this automation. i.e. front porch light etc.  In this example we will use the Foyer Light. Then tap the next button in the top right corner of your device.


Step 6 – Toggle the only after sunset if you choose.  This will only run the automation when its dark so that works great in our example.


Step 7 – Tap each accessory to toggle if you want it to turn on or off with the automation.


Step 7 – Tap “Done” in the upper right corner of your device.


Thats it.  Now I won’t have to come home to a dark house ever again.  Play around with it and come up with some great automations that work for you.  As always if you have any questions email us at